Springfield, MA
United States
On June 18-19 NEEP and the Summit’s Co-Chairs, David McHale and Marion Gold, welcomed 350 people to Springfield, Mass. for the 2013 Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit. The two-day event drew a wide variety of business interests, public policy makers, utility partners, manufacturers, and other efficiency stakeholders to discuss the Summit’s theme, Accelerating Innovation in Efficiency. Keynote speakers and panelists shared stories of how unexpected partnerships, taking risks, and thinking creatively come together to move efficiency forward across the region.
Cathy Zoi of C3 Energy kicked off the event with a discussion about how “big data” is changing the way that utilities and businesses view the value of their efficiency investments. As more data is available, utilities and businesses alike will look for ways to analyze that data and make strategic decisions. Kara Miller, host of the Innovation Hub program on WGBH radio, Boston, took a step back and spoke about ‘Time, Space & Frame of Mind’ and the crucial role that these three elements play in successful innovation. This applies to innovation across many disciplines, leaving attendees with a new perspective on how they can apply this concept to their efforts to accelerate efficiency across the region.
The morning panel, Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Innovation in Efficiency, highlighted the interests of utilities, the US DOE, and manufacturers as they discussed the ingredients necessary for public-private partnerships to move forward innovation in efficiency policy, program, finance, technologies, or services that will help states meet aggressive energy efficiency goals. The afternoon panel, Moving Up the Curve – Engaging Markets for Innovation, was a lively discussion that provided a closer look at how the many players in the efficiency industry are approaching market engagement, and how they can work together and learn from each other to increase engagement and investment in efficiency to achieve ever-greater energy savings. NEEP thanks the 2013 Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit Sponsors for another great year.
On June 18 NEEP hosted two pre-Summit workshops that drew nearly 200 people in total. Challenges & Opportunities in the Multifamily Market and Consumer Electronics: A Strategy for the Northeast brought together stakeholders from across the industry and spurred lively discussion about strategies for moving these two important aspects of efficiency forward in the market.
In conjunction with the Center for EcoTechnology, NEEP hosted a tour at EcoBuilding Bargains, the largest used building materials store in the Northeast. In addition to touring the recently renovated store, the Center for EcoTechnology, Western Massachusetts Electric Company, and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources led a discussion about their collaboration in the recovery efforts following the 2011 tornado in Springfield and the role efficiency has played in the rebuilding process.
NEEP welcomed 12 students to the Summit as part of the Student Scholarship and Mentoring Program. The program drew undergraduate and graduate students as well as a veteran in a job retraining program. Some students attended the workshops and all were given the opportunity to ask questions of their mentors and network with other industry professionals.
The 2013 Northeast Business Leaders for Energy Efficiency were honored for their commitment to accelerating energy efficiency. Take some time to watch the inspiring State Champion videos and read the case studies for each of our Business Leaders.
NEEP thanks the 2013 Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit Sponsors for another great year.