Omni Mount Washington Resort
310 Mount Washington Road
Bretton Woods, NH 03575
United States
The 2016 Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit was held June 13-14 at the Omni Mt. Washington Resort, and brought together key stakeholders in energy efficiency with inspiring speakers to lead an engaging discussion of Next Generation Energy Efficiency.
The NEEP Summit brings together industry experts from the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic to showcase our region’s national leadership for energy efficiency as a top priority resource to meet state and regional energy, environmental and economic goals. Join state and regional public policy leaders; gas and electric distribution utility executives; energy efficiency program administrators and managers; energy efficiency, demand-response and distributed service and technology providers; business community leaders; clean energy and consumer advocates; and representatives from academia to discuss Next Generation Energy Efficiency.
See this year program for more details about our speakers and agenda. The full agenda with presentations can also be found here.
Opening Ceremonies | Monday Roundtables | Awards Dinner |
Power Talks | Business Leaders | Power Talk Videos ![]() |
Theme Elements - Next Generation Energy Efficiency:
Meeting state and regional policy goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide reliable and affordable energy, and support sustainable economic development (job and business growth) through public policies, technologies and services that reflect a new balance of regulatory and private sector activities to:
- Achieve deep and comprehensive cost-effective energy efficiency in homes and buildings from all fuels
- Use big data, data analytics and controls to broadly engage all market sectors, maximize energy savings and optimize home and building energy performance
- Position energy efficiency as core element of Integrated demand side resources (e.g., energy storage, demand-response, distributed energy) responsive to occupant and energy system needs
- Increased engagement of private markets to deliver high efficiency products and demand-side solutions on a regional scale
- Engage new roles and business models for regulated utilities to provide customer-focused energy services
Please contact Lucie Carriou with any questions.
Leadership & Achievement Awards:
NEEP is proud to recognize these four women whose extraordinary contributions and leadership for energy efficiency have been impactful and inspiring, have generated change, and have sparked opportunity beyond expectations:
Gina McCarthy - Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
For being a visionary, persuasive champion, and dedicated leader of energy efficiency as a powerful climate and environmental solution.
Appointed by President Obama in 2009, McCarthy first served as Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation prior to her current appointment. She has been a leading advocate for common-sense strategies to protect public health and the environment. During her career, which spans over 30 years, she has worked at both the state and local levels on critical environmental issues and helped coordinate policies on economic growth, energy, transportation and the environment.
Dr. Kathleen Hogan - Deputy Asst. Secretary for Energy Efficiency, the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
For brilliant foresight, inspiring leadership, and impactful collaboration to realize energy efficiency as a powerful climate solution.
Dr. Hogan oversees a more than $600 million annual energy efficiency policy, program, and research portfolio, including advanced manufacturing, buildings, federal energy management, low income weatherization, and intergovernmental partnerships. As part of EERE's senior leadership, she helps to implement and achieve national energy efficiency goals, including those laid out in the President's Climate Action Plan.
Beth Sachs - Co-founder, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC)
For being an influential champion, leader and innovator to unleash the power of energy efficiency as an equitable, affordable and sustainable energy resource.
Sachs co-founded VEIC in 1986 with partner Blair Hamilton and served as its Executive Director for 22 years. VEIC is a mission-driven nonprofit working globally to reduce the economic and environmental impact of energy production and use through energy efficiency and renewable energy. VEIC employs more than 300 energy professionals in its Vermont headquarters and offices in Ohio and the District of Columbia.
Meredith Hatfield - Former Director of the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning
For unwavering leadership to advance energy efficiency in New Hampshire to provide sustainable and affordable energy for all.
Hatfield has worked on a range of energy and environmental issues in New Hampshire for the last 16 years in both the public and private sectors. Her first energy job was at the predecessor agency, the Governor’s Office of Energy and Community Services, where Hatfield played a key role in developing the statewide “Core” energy efficiency programs. She has also led the development of a 10-year State Energy Strategy and a review of the state’s energy siting process. She recently left the NH Office of Energy and Planning to become a program office for the Barr Foundation’s Climate team.
Read the full news-release here.