Radisson Hotel Nashua
11 Tara Boulevard
Nashua, NH 03062
United States
EM&V Annual Public Meeting: Advancing EM&V in the Region and the Industry
Welcome and IntroductionLevel setting: 2018 Avoided Cost Study Presentation:
EM&V in the integrated DER environment: Current and FutureThis panel explored how EM&V is evolving to meet the relevant needs of the future including non-wire alternatives, storage, and demand reduction strategies. Presentation:
Moderator: Elizabeth Titus, NEEP |
Controls as an Efficiency Measure: Opportunities and ChallengesThis panel explored the new complex measures presenting new challenges towards evaluating savings. Presentation:
Moderator: Dave Jacobson, Dave Jacobson Consulting |
Cost-effectiveness and Non-Energy Impacts of EfficiencyOur panelists presented new resources and research in NEIs to present perspectives from the Northeast and beyond. Presentation:
Panel Discussion - Evolving TRMs for the Future: Outlook 2025Technical Reference Manuals serve evaluation and program roles, but are changing to meet newer efficiency needs. Our panelists shared their thoughts, experiences and ideas for the evolution of TRMs.
Moderator: Elizabeth Titus, NEEP |