Community Engagement Plan: Ulbrich Heights (CT) Geothermal Pilot Project

This community engagement plan was produced for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)’s District Geothermal Heating + Cooling Deployment in an Environmental Justice Community initiative, funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE). 

Phase 1 of the project is focused on creating a program for the design and implementation of a networked geothermal heating and cooling system at Ulbrich Heights, a multifamily affordable housing campus in Wallingford, Connecticut. If implemented, this geothermal system will affordably serve the heating and cooling needs of at least 50 percent of units on the property, with the goal of serving all units, while improving indoor and outdoor air quality and enhancing tenant safety and comfort. As this is a competitive grant, program implementation and the implementation of this plan is contingent on the project’s selection by DOE for Phase 2 funding.

This plan was developed by analyzing Phase 1 community engagement activities conducted by the project team and through research on best practices for equitable and inclusive program implementation. One main takeaway from resident engagement during Phase 1 is that most residents are excited about the potential for having central air conditioning and are generally receptive to the project. The project team collated the lessons learned from these activities and incorporated best practices to develop tailored strategies that support a community- centered approach to program implementation.

Given the potential for this project to significantly impact residents and housing authority staff at Ulbrich Heights, engaging with the community is crucial. This plan will bolster stakeholder support for the project by increasing awareness of geothermal technology and its benefits among residents and staff. Additionally, this plan will establish channels of communication between residents, housing authority staff, and the project team. To achieve these goals, the plan calls for increasing geothermal awareness through activities such as distributing instructional materials and offering educational opportunities to Ulbrich Heights residents and staff; collaborating with a nearby high school to develop a clean technology and geothermal curriculum; and creating a second case study about the implementation of the project. The plan proposes resident engagement activities including forming effective communication channels, holding stakeholder listening sessions, identifying opportunities for resident input on program implementation, and planning social events to provide a forum for community involvement in the project.

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