Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), founded in 1996, is a regional nonprofit that works to accelerate energy efficiency, electrification, and grid flexibility in the building sector as a core strategy to reduce climate pollution and build an affordable, sustainable, and resilient energy future. NEEP works across the 12 states and the District of Columbia that comprise the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.

Vision: We envision the region’s homes, buildings, and communities transformed into efficient, affordable, low-carbon, and resilient places to live, work, and play.

Mission: NEEP drives regional collaboration so that the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic can equitably and affordably reduce building sector greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency, electrification, and grid integration.

Goal: Assist the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states to equitably and affordably reduce building-sector greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with their goals.

Approach: Drive market transformation regionally by fostering collaboration and innovation, developing research and tools, and disseminating knowledge.

NEEP focuses on the components key to rapid, equitable decarbonization of the regional buildings sector – strong policies and regulations to address building emissions, market transformation for electric space and water heating, community-led solutions, a diverse and experienced workforce, and replicable program and business models for low-carbon retrofits. NEEP supports collaboration among government, industry, community groups, academia, and advocates to drive long-term regional change. Strategic collaboration allows NEEP to engage leaders and first-movers across the region to innovate, develop the right tools, scale up public policy and market solutions, and access the knowledge needed to reduce building sector energy consumption and emissions while transitioning to a robust, equitable clean energy economy.

NEEP is uniquely able offer an approach that combines national expertise with local implementation knowledge to assist states in reaching their climate and clean energy goals. For over 25 years, NEEP has worked to transform the energy efficiency market in areas where industry, the workforce, program administrators, and other components of the marketplace benefit from a collaborative, multi-state approach.


NEEP strategy


NEEP’s program portfolio provides a comprehensive approach to decarbonizing the buildings sector and pursues four strategies to drive regional market transformation across each of our programs:

Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: NEEP forges partnerships and brings stakeholders together to develop, advance, accelerate, and integrate energy efficiency solutions to decarbonize the buildings sector with coordinated efforts, regional learning, and resource leveraging.

Tracking, Analysis, Tools, and Reports: NEEP conducts independent analysis and develops actionable toolkits, web-based resources, online policy and program trackers, and reports to support and advance regional market transformation initiatives that drive innovative and integrated energy efficient solutions.

Technical Assistance: NEEP serves as technical experts on energy efficiency potential, best practices, impacts, evaluation, and integration with other low-carbon demand side resources essential to a low-carbon future. NEEP provides customized technical assistance that includes presentations, briefings, research, reports, responses to public comments, and model language.

Thought Leadership: NEEP helps influence the narrative around energy efficiency and building decarbonization by positioning NEEP and its partners as consistent, reliable expert sources of information and resources, and by championing leadership across the region and beyond.


“NEEP and other early regional energy efficiency organizations were formed when it became clear that strategic multi-state collaboration among energy efficiency actors was needed to effectively advance efficiency and transform markets for the long term.”  

- Sue Coakley, NEEP Founder and Former Executive Director


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