Many states in the Northeast have aggressive carbon reduction goals, and are doing good work to reach those goals. Reaching them by 2050, however, will require advanced strategies beyond the established strategies of energy efficiency and renewable energy.  
Enhanced energy efficiency and carbon-free electricity can reduce regional emissions by only about 40 percent by 2050—half the amount required to achieve the 80% goal. To meet 80% reductions we need to incorporate a third strategy (strategic electrification). Strategic electrification is powering end uses with electricity instead of fossil fuels in a way that increases energy efficiency and reduces pollution, while lowering costs to customers and society, as part of an integrated approach to deep decarbonization.  
Pathway to Decarbonization
In an effort to assist the region in achieving its carbon reduction goals, NEEP produced two reports – Northeastern Regional Assessment of Strategic Electrification and Strategic Electrification Action Plan – to examine the current state of strategic electrification and recommend actions to accelerate long-term market transformation for strategic electrification to displace the use of carbon intensive fuels.
NEEP has compiled a list of existing resources (with synopses) including action plans, research reports, articles, and analyses from various stakeholders, contributing to the growing body of knowledge related to strategic electrification. This catalogue also includes summaries of various public policy proceedings and dockets related to strategic electrification in the Northeast and beyond. 

Action plan webinar recording (05/17/18)

A webinar on the Strategic Electrification Action Plan was held on May 17, 2018. You can view the recording of this webinar here, along with the slide deck.

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