The Northeast Business Leaders for Energy Efficiency Program is a unique opportunity for NEEP Sponsors to profile a customer who demonstrates outstanding acts of leadership, innovation, and best practices of energy efficiency in their business. Through their participation, these Business Leaders provide important examples of how energy efficiency works. Specifically, these businesses exemplify how Next Generation Energy Efficiency and Strategic Energy Management are the foundation for capturing all cost-effective energy efficiency in businesses across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
Rate-payer funded energy efficiency programs support a thriving economy by helping businesses succeed and grow, provide highly-valued services that help businesses overcome barriers to comprehensive efficiency improvements, and build valued long-term partnerships with businesses to reduce energy waste and meet their long-term sustainability goals.
As the region continues its efforts to make efficiency matter, we bring attention to these business organizations as examples of the strategies and practices being deployed across the region that are making significant savings possible.
This year's winners will be honored at a recognition dinner during NEEP's Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit. These business efficiency leaders, and their nominating ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs, will be recognized on June 13, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
The diversity of this year’s awardees – from the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the U.S. to a regional school district – shows that efficiency measures can be used across countless industries and result in positive effects on the environment, the community, the economy, and the business bottom line.
Through their collaboration, leadership, and commitment to efficiency, these Business Leaders are a large reason for keeping the Northeast a leader in accelerating energy efficiency. They are setting the tone for the entire nation and serving as examples of the pace-setting work of the Northeast region. NEEP thanks them for their commitment to sustainable innovation and for their willingness to serve as public examples of the power of energy efficiency.
In partnership with ratepayer-funded efficiency programs in the District of Columbia, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont, each of the 2016 Northeast Business Leaders for Energy Efficiency was able to implement innovative energy savings measures that reduce costs, increase productivity and staff motivation, decrease carbon emissions, and contribute to a more stable and resilient regional economy. Strong legislation, along with innovative programs such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), help fund these energy efficiency programs and make them available across the region.