Ready, Set, Scale. A NEEP Webinar Series

Ready Set Scale
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Regional Roundup: A Snapshot of State Success

States play a key role in advancing energy efficiency, ensuring energy affordability, providing customer benefits, and reducing climate-warming emissions. This webinar will introduce the 2024 Regional Roundup, which provides a state-level snapshot of energy efficiency policy across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. We will also look at how states have performed in several categories (Utility Planning and Regulation, Codes and Standards, Carbon Reduction Obligations, and Equity and Workforce), as outlined in our Decarbonizing Buildings: How States Can Set the Table for Success report, and share real-world examples of how some states are tackling certain policies and programs. 

Erin Cosgrove, Director of Policy & Programs, NEEP

Phillip Chao, Senior Program Manager, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Tunde Idrisu, Policy Manager - Regulatory Affairs & EmPower, Maryland Energy Administration 

The Ready, Set, Scale. webinar series focuses on the key mechanisms to accelerate energy efficiency, electrification, grid flexibility, and workforce development to lower energy bills, improve air quality, and build an affordable, sustainable, resilient energy future. Join us all year long for discussions, analysis, and peer learning around collaborative, multi-state approaches to transform the energy efficiency market.







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