Renewable Heating and Cooling Workshop


Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs
232 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
United States

Event Date


Renewable heating and cooling technologies - including air source and ground source heat pumps, solar thermal, and biomass heating - are increasingly seen as important solutions to a low-carbon future in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. The Renewable Thermal Alliance (RTA) and Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) invite you to a workshop to explore how the region can work collaboratively to accelerate the adoption of renewable heating and cooling technologies that will ultimately transform the way we heat and cool our homes and businesses.
Workshop objectives
  • Raise awareness of renewable heating and cooling as a critical pathway to deep decarbonization
  • Coordinate effective implementation of regional market transformation strategies
  • Build constructive relationships across clean heating and cooling technologies and markets


Agenda - Monday, June 18

(Download slides)


Breakfast and Check-in



Dave Lis, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships

Helle Gronli, Renewable Thermal Alliance


Keynote: Renewable Heating and Cooling in the CONTEXT OF Broad Energy and Climate Policy

  • Strategic electrification and the low-carbon future
Keynote speaker: Alicia Barton, President and CEO, NYSERDA 

Session 2: Realizing the Full Value and Related Challenges of Renewable Heating and Cooling to the Energy System 

  • Importance and value of demand flexibility
  • Perspectives from a regional grid operator and an electric/gas utility


Mike Henderson, Director of Regional Planning and Coordination, ISO New England
Michael Henchen, Manager, Rocky Mountain Institute
Courtney Eichhorst, Lead Analyst Utility of the Future, National Grid
Christopher Raup, Director of Distributed Resource Integration / Large Scale Renewables, Con Edison
Emily Lewis, Policy Analyst, Acadia Center
Moderator: Helle Gronli, Coordinator Renewable Thermal Alliance



Session 3: Moving Renewable Heating and Cooling Strategies from State Specific to Regional

  • Perspectives from across the region
  • Deployment and exploration of strategies


Wendy McPherson, Sr. Project Manager, NYSERDA 
Jeff Howard, Environmental Analyst, CT DEEP
Michael Judge, Director of Renewable and Alternative Energy Division, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources 
Adam Sherman, Senior Consultant, Biomass Energy Resource Center (Vermont Energy Investment Corporation)

Moderator: Neil Veilleux, Meister Consulting Group




Session 4: Realizing Synergies in Renewable Heating and Cooling 

  • Effective promotion of multi-technology solutions and use cases
  • Moving together towards low-carbon heating and cooling


Dan Kelley, General Manager North America - Energy Systems, Ramboll
Hal Smith, CEO, Halco
Peter Skinner, Principal  & Founder, E2G Solar
Maura Adams, Program Director, Northern Forest Center
Anthony Aebi, President, Greenhill Contracting
Moderator: John Ciovacco, Aztech Geothermal

Observations and next steps

Moderator: Dave Lis, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships


Adjourn Day One


Optional Activities

Utility Event: Con Edison will host a one-hour panel discussion on the company’s clean thermal initiatives, including the upcoming Con Edison Gas Innovation Program RFI to be released in June 2018. Please join the utilities for an informative session and refreshments before the event reception.

NYSERDA Financing Workshop

Alex Hill, Dunsky Energy Consulting, and Ari Michelson, ERS

This workshop is an opportunity to participate in NYSERDA’s active market research focused on developing intervention strategies to overcome upstream and downstream finance-related barriers, animate the Renewable Heating and Cooling (RH&C) markets, encourage private capital and investment, and increase the scale and adoption of RH&C technologies throughout and beyond New York. Please join this session to hear more about the research to-date and join our interactive roundtable to share your perspectives and help prioritize opportunities for NYSERDA to engage the market. 



Agenda - Tuesday, June 19

(Download slides)


Breakfast and Check-in



  • Strategic electrification and the low-carbon future

Keynote Speaker: Mary Sotos, Deputy Commissioner for Energy, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection download slides


session 5: Perspectives on financing large scale renewable heating and cooling projects and portfolios

  • Scaling the renewable thermal market through financing innovations
  • Green buildings
  • Green bonds


Mike Ryan, Vice President, HJ Sims
Bert Hunter, Chief Investment Officer, Connecticut Green Bank
Dan Donovan, Partner, NUpower
Alex Hill, Managing Partner, Dunsky Energy Consulting
Tim Weber, Diverso
Moderator: John Joshi, Director of Financing Solutions, NYSERDA

session 6: Breakouts

Breakout 1: Innovative Program Design in the Residential Sector
  • What program models are driving significant adoption of renewable heating and cooling?
  • What aspects of the market are the successful programs targeting? (customer, installer, distributor, etc)
  • How do we spread effective models across the region?


Philip Picotte, VEIC download slides
Josh Kessler, Project Manager Renewable Thermal, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Maura Adams, Northern Forest Center
Moderator: Val Stori, Project Director, Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) 
Breakout 2: Commercial, Institutional, and District Opportunities in RHC (download slides)
  • What are the barriers to widespread adoption? 
  • Where are we seeing successful installation of RHC technologies in the commercial and institutional sectors?
  • How are RHC technologies being successfully deployed in district heating/cooling applications?


Dermot McGuigan, Energy Symbiosis LLC - download slides
Han Li, LBNL - download slides
Julian Mercado, Daikin

Moderator: Scott Smith, NYSERDA




session 7: Manufacturers Speed Dating

Manufacturers accross technologies are welcome to participate into this session. Each will have a few minutes to present latest technologies in front of the audience. 

Confirmed manufacturers:

  • Bosch
  • Froeling
  • Fujitsu
  • LG
  • Mitsubishi
  • Panasonic
  • WaterFurnace



session 8: Breakouts

Breakout 3: Growing the size and quality of the renewable heating and cooling (RHC) installer base 
  • Where are we seeing successes/challenges in RHC Workforce recruitment?
  • Where are we seeing successes/challenges in RHC workforce education and training?
  • How do we leverage successful efforts to drive workforce development and training across the entire RHC market?
  • How to diversify and build the future workforce?
Jake Marin, HVAC Program Manager, Efficiency Vermont - download slides
Ted Kantrowitz, Canadian GeoExchange Coalition - download slides
Moderator: Dave Lis, NEEP
Breakout 4-  Needs and Opportunities to Improve RHC Performance Metrics (performance metrics and in-field)
  • What explains deviations between ratings and in-field?
  • What can be done to reduce those deviations and drive market growth?
  • How can the region work together to support improvements to rating methodologies across RHC technologies?


Bruce Harley, Bruce Harley Energy Consulting - download slides
Matt Davis, Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire - download slides
Adam Sherman, Senior Consultant, Biomass Energy Resource Center (Vermont Energy Investment Corporation) - download slides
Moderator: Helle Gronli, RTA

The future of the renewable heating and cooling market and technologies

  • Identify the most pressing issues/key opportunities to address or leverage to move this combined RHC market forward
  • How does this collection of stakeholders continue to collaborate most effectively?
  • Who will drive the workshop outcomes forward? 

Moderator: Peter Boyd, Executive Fellow, Yale Center for Business and Environment - download slides

3:15 Adjourn Workshop

Optional Activities

  • The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (60 min): Overcoming Barriers to Renewable Heating and Cooling

Alexandra Rekkas, Senior Research Associate, David Gardiner and Associates

A new initiative comprised of manufacturers and state and local governments—the Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC)—serves as a cross-sector coalition for organizations that are committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities and dramatically cutting carbon emissions. Founding members are Mars, P&G, Cargill, General Motors, Kimberly Clark and the City of Philadelphia. Please join this session for an introduction to the RTC and an interactive discussion on the different barriers and solutions to renewable options for thermal energy usage.


Thank you to our planning committee

  • Helle Gronli, Renewable Thermal Alliance
  • Dave Lis, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
  • John Ciovacco, Aztech Geothermal
  • Charlie Niebling, Innovative Natural Resources Solutions
  • Dave Hermantin, CT Geo
  • Bill Nowak, NY Geo
  • William Guiney, Artic Solar
  • Rick Nortz, Mitsubishi
  • Josh Kessler, Mass CEC
  • Adam Sherman, VEIC


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