State Policies
School construction regulations and policies in Vermont, including energy efficiency measures for school facilities, is directly tied to state funding. If a project is not receiving state aid through the Vermont Agency of Education (VTAOE), its policies and regulations do not apply to the project. Among the regulations is the requirement that energy retrofit projects be determined to be life cycle cost effective (6145.1). Although the Vermont legislature is currently wrestling with funding shortfalls and has temporarily suspended funding for new projects, the staff at VTAOE will gladly assist school districts to put together high performance school renovation and construction projects using Northeast CHPS.
Grants & Rebates
The Vermont Agency of Education School Construction Program offers state aid for eligible renovation and construction projects, including energy efficiency retrofits and conversions to renewable energy sources.
Efficiency Vermont maintaints a list of rebates that can be obtained from the state for energy-efficient purchases.
The Fuel for Schools Intiative provides information and funding for biomass heating systems.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has construction waste and demolition grants available for large building projects.
DSIRE maintains a database of incentives and rebates available in the state through various programs.
Highlighting Successes
There are 30 ENERGY STAR labeled schools in Vermont and one LEED Platinum certified school. Further, there is one school constructed with NE-CHPS criteria and, one zero energy school building.
Craftsbury, VT |
The Putney School Field House | Putney, VT | NBI Zero Energy Buildings 2015 |
Feature Your High Performance School Design Work
Are you an architect or engineer who has worked on a High Performance School in this state? You can download and fill out our questionnaire and NEEP will use it to complete a case study, highlighting your firm's exemplary work on high performance schools. We use these case studies on our website, webinars, and conference presentations, and often invite architects or engineers to speak about their work in these venues.
For More Information
The High Performance Schools Exchange offers presentations and trainings to design and building professionals as well as school administrators and committees. These are available at no cost and can be scheduled by contacting Carolyn Sarno at csarno@neep.org or at (781) 860-9177 x119 or John Balfe at jbalfe@neep.org or at (781) 860-9177 x109.