Primary Research on Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps

This report presents the results of primary research conducted to better determine the potential  for energy savings and efficiency program support for ductless mini split heat pumps (DHPs)  in the residential sector, particularly in heating dominant climates, and to determine appropriate methodologies for assessing the savings. The primary research conducted is part ofa continuing effort to assess several emerging technologies and innovative program approaches  by the Regional Evaluation, Monitoring and Verification Forum (EM&V Forum or Forum) managed by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP). It also is informed by and  buids on the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Air Source Heat Pump Market Strategies Report prepared for NEEP (December 2013). 

Prior to this primary research, secondary research was conducted for several emerging technologies, one of which was DHPs for residential applications. The goals of the secondary  research were to provide performance and savings guidelines allowing the Forum members to develop measures and programs that realize measurable savings, and to identify knowledge gaps that require further study to close. 

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