2011 REED Annual Report

Prior to the public launch of the Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED) in February 2013 energy efficiency stakeholders across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states had to look to myriad sources for energy efficiency program results and associated information. With the introduction of REED, information about energy savings, demand savings, expenditures and cost of saved energy, avoided air emissions and job impacts for many Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states including Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont is available through a common, consistent dashboard. Delaware and the District of Columbia also support REED. Those jurisdicitons’ program year 2012 data will be added to REED along with 2012 data from the other REED states by year-end 2013.

Managed by the Regional Evaluation Measurement and Verification (EM&V) Forum, REED was born out of the recognized need to increase consistency in EM&V practices, reduce EM&V costs for states and help to improve the credibility of energy efficiency resources. The REED dashboard is based on the EM&V Forum’s Common Statewide Energy Efficiency Reporting Guidelines, and is an important tool in the EM&V Forum’s effort to demonstrate energy efficiency as a growing, consequential and highly cost effective energy resource.

This REED Program Year 2011 Annual Report provides an overview of the high-level impacts of 2011 energy efficiency programs at the state and regional level. It provides for comparisons across states that can help strengthen the credibility of energy efficiency as a resource by increasing our understanding of similarities and differences in results across programs by type, sector and state.

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