The Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED) provides energy efficiency program data covering the following Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. Using a common, consistent dashboard, interested stakeholders can readily access, compare and aggregate information about the performance of the regions’ electric and gas energy efficiency programs, including annual and lifetime energy and demand savings, expenditures and cost of saved energy, avoided air emissions and job impacts.
REED’s key purpose is to build greater consistency in energy efficiency and other demand side resource reporting practices across the region to support the growing resource as a viable strategy to help meet:
- State and regional system energy and demand goals/needs;
- State air quality and greenhouse gas compliance plans to US EPA; and
- State and regional economic development goals in terms of job impacts.
Additional Resources
2012 REED Annual Report.pdf
(3.49 MB)
2012 REED Annual Report.pdf
(3.49 MB)