2013 Northeast Residential Lighting Workshop

Click here for the Northeast Residential Lighting Workshop notes!


Networking Breakfast


Welcome and Introduction



Residential Lighting Strategy: An Update

Where is the Northeast moving in Residential Lighting?  Hear new research and analysis from the forthcoming 2013-2014 Update to the Residential Lighting Strategy including program, policy, and market trends.  Learn how to get involved with NEEP’s Residential Lighting activities and what role you can play to push the efficient lighting market forward.


  • Claire Miziolek, NEEP
  • Glenn Reed, Energy Futures Group
  • Gabe Arnold, Optimal Energy


Lighting Program Designs, Needs, and Next Steps

Lighting programs in the Northeast have a long history of success, but as markets evolve, so must program designs to ensure goals are met.  This panel will discuss efficiency program designs, approaches, successes, and needs moving forward, including a deeper dive into market share data.

Moderator: Glenn Reed, Energy Futures Group


  • Lara Bonn, Efficiency Vermont            
  • Kristen Pomer, NSTAR                         
  • Scott Dimetrosky, Apex Analytics         


Networking Lunch


Residential Lighting Controls: Exploring the Potential

This session will be taking a deep diver into residential lighting controls, from program design to evaluation, manufacturing collaborations to savings potential.

Moderator: Gabe Arnold, Optimal Energy


  • Rachel Abott, Lutron         


Back to the Future: Consumer Education Revisited

Haven’t we had this conversation before—what can be done for efficient lighting and consumer education?  This panel will be a fresh look at the issue, looking forward at new materials, marketing techniques, and outside the box thinking so that we can break through the barriers to successful consumer education!

Moderator: Claire Miziolek, NEEP


  • Marianne Graham, IFC International on behalf of EPA/ENERGY STAR
  • Pamela Price, Osram SYLVANIA
  • Marianne DiMascio, Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP)


Wrap Up, Next Steps


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