Claiming Energy Savings From Appliance Standards

Appliance and equipment efficiency standards are among the most impactful energy- and emissions-saving policies. These regulations keep energy-inefficient products out of marketplaces and ensure minimum energy and water efficiency levels are reached by all products. The Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Building Technology Office (BTO) implements minimum energy efficiency standards for a variety of products across the country. States, however, may adopt standards for products that do not have an existing federal standard may increase the efficiency standards for products that are already regulated. Despite the fact that appliance standards offer highly cost-effective energy savings and emissions savings opportunities, states do not always consider how appliance standards can be a part of energy efficiency programs. In states with adopted appliance standards, states and utilities can develop and implement programs similar to existing energy code compliance attribution programs to receive these savings from standards too. States without adopted standards can use the potential savings from appliance standards attribution programs as a way to encourage future adoption. Code compliance attribution programs often provide funding for education, trainings, and consensus building to increase the adoption of more progressive energy codes.


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