Commercial Lighting Measure Persistence Study

The primary objective of this study was to conduct primary and secondary research and analysis to provide the sponsors with estimates of measure lifetimes that included on-site verification of CFL bulbs and fixtures, LED exit signs, HID fixtures, and T8 fixtures installed by commercial and industrial lighting programs in New England and New York.  A second objective was to determine the expected operating lives (in hours) for the same equipment categories; based on secondary data.  A primary driver of this study was the need for lighting measure lives for use in submitting demand resources into the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market. 

Table 1-1 presents an overview of the study design.  The original RFP had sequential tasks that included primary data collection and the subsequent analyses of that data.  In the work plan KEMA divided the work into four phases and inserted two checkpoints to provide the forum with the authority to approve and modify the work scope.  These checkpoints occurred at the conclusion of Phase 1 and the conclusion of Phase 2.  This phased approach was developed as a mechanism to deal with potential data availability challenges in the opening study tasks.  In this manner, there were clear opportunities for the study to become dependent on secondary research if insufficient data was not available to perform primary data collection, but this ended up not being necessary.  

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Measure Life Research

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