
Regional Roundup Ranking

In the summer of 2014, Delaware enacted landmark legislation that will enable the first-ever ratepayer funded efficiency programs, including statewide coordination among the regulated and non-regulated utili­ties and the Sustainable Energy Utility. The 2015 and beyond Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility Strategic Plan was developed in concert with this legislation as a customized planning framework. The plan lays out the future course for new sustainable energy programs for residential and commercial and industrial sectors. Delaware also has a state energy plan that was developed in 2009. 

Through the stakeholder Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, Delaware’s energy office (DNREC) Division of Energy and Climate is continuing its progress toward initial energy efficiency program filings, pending the finalization of the proposed EM&V regulations issued in the summer of 2016. The parties are working through important issues like the creation of evaluation, measurement and verification regulations and deciding who will administer which programs to maximize effectiveness and ease of participation for customers and market actors alike. For more information, see the energy efficiency potential study developed in 2014, and the webpages of the Delaware EEAC

An Effort Advancing Building Energy Codes

Delaware’s Building Energy Code Collaborative continues its progress as a partnership to drive code awareness, training and adoption.

Complementary Policies

Delaware's current mandatory building codes are 2012 IECC with amendments for residential building and ASHRAE 90.1-2010 for commercial building.


Policy and Program Information 

State Offices

Delaware Energy Office
Delaware Public Service Commission

Program Administrators

Sustainable Energy Utility

Additional Resources

HB 179 - Relative to an EERS 
Delaware Economic Energy Efficiency Potential Study
Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS)
SB 106 of 2009, Relating to Energy Efficiency Resource Standards
SB 59 of 2009, Relating to Energy Conservation Standards
Sustainable Energy Utility Act of 2007
Delaware and the Clean Power Plan
State Documents and Key Info- Delaware
U.S. Department of Energy
SEE Action


Delaware at a Glance

Direct Jobs in Energy Efficiency 2,334
Electric Efficiency Program Expenditures $8.2 million
Gas Efficiency Program Expenditures ----
Per Capita Expenditures $8.61
Electric Savings 17,811 MWh 
Electric Savings as Percent of Retail Sales 0.01%
Gas Savings* 0
Gas Savings as Percent of Retail Sales 0.0%
2016 program year data as reported to the NEEP EM&V Forum for the Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED) and E2's Energy Efficiency Jobs in America report. Savings are expressed in net annual terms. 


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