NEEP's 2016 Snapshot of Energy Efficiency in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic is intended provide policymakers, regulators, efficiency proponents, program administrators and other stakeholders an easily accessible comparative snapshot of energy efficiency policies and programs across the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region. The snapshot relies heavily on data from NEEP's Regional Energy Efficiency Database, and elsewhere, to analyze trends in energy efficiency program administration throughout the region.
Contains Charts, Tables, and Citations for:
- Energy Efficiency as an Economic Driver
- State Energy Efficiency Policies and Savings Goals
- Public Policies advancing Next Generation Energy Efficiency
- The Growing Focus on Peak Demand Reduction (Summer and Winter)
- Per Capita Energy Efficiency Expenditures
- Efficiency Savings as a Percent of Retail Sales (Gas and Electric)
- Cost of Saved Energy by State
- Energy Savings by Sector and Program Type
- Residential Lighting Assumptions
For more on what is happening in the states throughout the year, please visit our state pages.
Additional Resources
Energy Efficiency Snapshot Spring 2016
(1.22 MB)
Energy Efficiency Snapshot Spring 2016
(1.22 MB)