Energy Efficiency as a Transmission and Distribution Resource Using Geotargeting

This report focuses on the role efficiency can play in deferring utility transmission and distribution (T&D) system investments. In particular, it addresses the role that intentional targeting of efficiency programs to specific constrained geographies – either by itself or in concert with demand response, distributed generation and/or other “non-wires alternatives” (NWAs) – can play in deferring such investments. The report focuses primarily on electric T&D deferral, since that is where efforts in this area have focused to date. However, the concepts should be equally applicable to natural gas delivery infrastructure.

The report builds on a report published by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) nearly three years ago. Selected portions of the text of the RAP report – particularly for older case studies for which no update was necessary – have been re-used here. Several of the case studies highlighted in the RAP report have evolved considerably in the intervening years. There are also new case studies on which to report. This report documents these experiences and highlights some important new developments in the field that the recent experience has brought to light. In addition, to address the interests of the Regional EM&V Forum project funders, this report also includes an explicit set of policy recommendations or “guidelines”.  

EM&V Forum 2015 Annual Public Meeting Presentations:

Using Geographically Targeted Energy Efficiency to Defer T&D Investments – Presented by Chris Neme

The Growing Role of EE in Deferring T&D and Relieving Energy Supply Distribution Constraints – Presented by Rebecca Craft

Geographic Targeting of Non-Wires Alternatives to Avoid Transmission Investments (Vermont’s Experience) – Presented by Deena Frankel


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