Ready, Set, Scale. A NEEP Series: Considerations for an Equitable Building Performance Standard
May 24 | 11 AM EST
The Ready, Set, Scale. webinar series focuses on the mechanisms key to rapid, equitable decarbonization of the regional commercial and residential buildings sector. This series will examine strong policies and regulations to address building emissions, market transformation for electric space and water heating, community-led solutions, and replicable program and business models for low-carbon retrofits, all with emphasis on workforce development and equity.
Join us all year long for discussions, analysis, and peer learning around collaborative, multi-state approaches to transform the energy efficiency market. These webinars will provide spaces for diverse industry market actors to come together.
Building performance standards are quickly becoming a popular tool to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions from the existing building sector. Washington D.C. and New York City were the first large cities to implement performance standards and now other cities, both small and large, are trying to implement them. The federal government is creating a BPS Cohort to provide support to the growing number of interested towns, counties, cities, and states. With such great attention on building performance standards, it is imperative to consider program design and implementation to ensure that these standards do not leave low-income and disadvantaged communities behind. Join this webinar to learn about crafting an equitable BPS through inclusive stakeholder engagement and equitable policy mechanisms. We will be joined by industry leaders who will share perspectives about their specific programs – from design, to centering equity, to what more can be done.
- Emily Andrews, Executive Director, U.S. Green Building Council - Missouri Gateway Chapter
- Jessica Miller, Associate Director for Policy Strategy and Engagement, IMT
- Dana Gray, Community Development Outreach Coordinator, Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC
- Andrew Winslow, Senior Buildings & Community Solutions Associate, NEEP