Ready, Set, Scale. A NEEP Series
March 21 | 11 AM EST
The Ready, Set, Scale. webinar series focuses on the mechanisms key to rapid, equitable decarbonization of the regional commercial and residential buildings sector. This series will examine strong policies and regulations to address building emissions, market transformation for electric space and water heating, community-led solutions, and replicable program and business models for low-carbon retrofits, all with emphasis on workforce development and equity.
Join us all year long for discussions, analysis, and peer learning around collaborative, multi-state approaches to transform the energy efficiency market. These webinars will provide spaces for diverse industry market actors to come together.
Federal funding is here, there, and everywhere! Cities and towns are set to receive unprecedented funds in 2023 for clean energy projects, but simply tracking what’s available, who’s eligible, and when applications are due can be a full-time job. Not to worry, NEEP has your back. In this installment of our Ready, Set, Scale webinar series, we will dive into the high priority programs – like DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants and EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – the communities should be preparing for. Join us as experts break it all down, highlight key program details, share case studies, and offer up their recommendations for high-impact projects. This interactive webinar will answer your questions, stimulate new partnerships opportunities, and prepare you for what’s to come next.
John Balfe, Senior Buildings & Community Solutions Manager, NEEP
Ross Anthony, Buildings & Energy Efficiency Analyst, Maine Governor's Office
Andrea Denny, Local Energy & Environment Program Lead, USA EPA
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