Warwick, RI -
United States
Northeast Residential Lighting Workshop - Key Take-Aways
Purpose: To accelerate high efficiency residential lighting solutions in the Northeast US
- Provide overview of the potential impacts of the 2012-2014 Federal EISA standards
Receive stakeholder input to shape development of a Regional Residential Lighting Strategy
Identify the most promising high efficiency lighting products and processes to speed their market adoption over the next five years
Discuss leading ideas to address measurement and evaluation issues for ratepayer-funded efficiency programs
Reviewcurrent practices to educate consumers to select quality, super-efficient lighting products
Presentation and Q&A Session:
The Status of Residential Lighting in the Northeast and Elements of a Regional Strategy to Maintain Large Energy Savings from High Efficiency Lighting Products
Panel and Audience Discussion:
EISA Standards, FTC Labeling and Other Influences on Lighting Products of Future and Market Strategies for the Northeast US
Panel and Audience Discussion:
Regulatory Challenges - Measurement and Cost-Effectiveness of Lighting Products
Panel and Audience Discussion:
Consumer Education and Outreach
How do we prepare the consumer for the lighting transition?
The Take-Aways: What We Learned & Implications - Near-Term and Longer-Term