ASHP and VRF Market Transformation Workshop
Hurry Up, Slowly: Scaling Market Adoption, Ensuring Satisfaction
Join NEEP, program administrators, manufacturers, policy makers, installers, and other stakeholders as we explore approaches for scaling up market adoption of air source heat pump (ASHP) and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems while ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction.
ASHPs and VRFs are an effective way to heat and cool homes and buildings, while also saving on operating costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With technological advancements greatly improving, these technologies are an important part of any plan to achieve energy- and carbon-reduction goals.
Interactive discussions with workshop attendees will provide a collaborative opportunity to drive increased consumer confidence, explore technology advancements, share lessons learned, and understand the current policy framework. Our time together will discuss, inform, and strategically support the market transformation roadmaps needed to meet aggressive energy and carbon reduction goals. So come ready to listen, contribute and ask questions.
Interested in demonstrating your leadership and supporting this workshop? Please contact Jessica Augat for sponsorship opportunities.
October 21 (DAY 1)
Exploring approaches for scaling up market adoption of air source heat pumps (ASHP) while ensuring high levels of savings and customer satisfaction
Day 1 Opening Remarks
Session 1 - ASHP
- Designing and implementing ASHP Programs that achieve both savings and satisfaction
This session will include a moderated discussion of program best practices when it comes to consumer education/marketing, incentive structures, guidance on product selection, ensuring system design/installation best practices and links to weatherization; all through the lens of ensuring both savings and satisfaction.
- Moderator: Jake Marin, HVAC Program Manager, Efficiency Vermont
- Andy Meyer, Program Manager, Efficiency Maine
- Will Xia, Program Manager, Con Edison
- Kyle Svendsen, Senior Energy Efficiency Consultant, Eversource
Session 2 - ASHP
- Designing and installing ASHPs that achieve both savings and satisfaction
This session will include a moderated discussion focused on project-based best practices to ensure savings and satisfaction. Discussion will compare and contrast best practices across supplemental, Primary with Back-up and Whole home/no back-up projects.
- Moderator: Bruce Harley, Principal, Bruce Harley Energy Consulting LLC
- Dana Fischer, Residential Area Manager, Mitsubishi Electric
- John Walczyk, Mechanical Engineer, Cadmus Group
- Mark Stephenson, General Manager, Vermont Energy Contracting
- Mike Cappuccio, Owner/President, N.E.T.R., Inc.
Day 1 Closing Remarks
October 22 (DAY 2)
Exploring approaches for scaling up market adoption of Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems while ensuring high levels of savings and customer satisfaction
Session 3 - VRF
- Designing and implementing VRF Programs that achieve both savings and satisfaction
This session will include a moderated discussion of program best practices when it comes to education/marketing, incentive structures, guidance on product selection, ensuring system design/installation best practices and links to weatherization; all through the lens of ensuring both savings and satisfaction.
- Moderator: Donovan Gordon, Director, Clean Heating and Cooling, NYSERDA
- Jake Marin, Program Manager, HVAC, Efficiency Vermont
- Josh Kessler, Senior Program Manager, Energy Efficiency (C&I), National Grid
- Marcin Polak, Manager, Engineering, Con Edison
Session 4 - VRF
- Designing and installing VRFs that achieve both savings and satisfaction
This session will include a moderated discussion focused on project-based best practices to ensure savings and satisfaction. Discussion will compare and contrast best practices across various applications including Large commercial, multi-family, and include the relationship with ventilation and filtration.
- Moderator: James Peterson, Principal, Peterson Engineering
- Muhammad Hassan, Sales Specialist, Ductless and VRF, Trane Technologies
- JS Rancourt, Principal, Direct Expansion Solutions
- Chris Lyle, Engineer, Building Systems, Steve Winter Associates
- Garrett Alexander, Manager, Building Automation, General Air Conditioning and Heating Inc.
Day 2 Closing Remarks