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United States
Join NEEP as we look closely at residential cold climate Air Source Heat Pumps and the potential for broad deployment across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Program administrators, industry, policy makers and evaluators will gather to tackle a number of important issues related to the expanded use of ASHPs. Panel discussions will explore the current and future efforts to secure in field performance data, how energy efficiency programs might want to evolve looking forward to 2015 and lastly, the necessary analysis to build the policy case for broad deployment of the technology.
Workshop Presentations
State of ASHP Technology Learn about the latest developments in ASHP Technology from the industry experts. The compatibility of various products for the region has attracted a growing amount of attention from Northeast and Mid-Atlantic efficiency stakeholders due to significant improvements in cold climate performance. Panelists will offer insights on the present and future advances in this exciting technology.
How They Work: In-Field Performance Testing In order to thoughtfully accelerate the uptake of ASHPs as an efficient heating and cooling technology, we will present findings from latest field monitoring results. Building transparency of in-field testing of ASHP through verified and standardized evaluation methods reporting is a focus for the ASHP Research Sub-committee. Come see a preview of some of the regions’ leading reports!
The Hot Topic: Cold Climate Performance ASHP, while gaining momentum in northern regions, still face deficiencies in current test procedures and efficiency metrics for cold climates performance. By developing recommendations for Energy Efficiency programs or ENERGY STAR® for how to define cold climate performance, the products will be better suited to reflect their true capabilities. We invite you to bring your questions, experiences, and ideas for this exciting session!
ASHPs Go To the Statehouse While ASHPs present exciting opportunities for homeowners to reduce the cost associated with heating and cooling their homes, the impacts of a broad deployment of the technology on the grid, natural gas and other delivered fuels is less clear at the state and regional level. Until this picture is clarified policymakers will wrestle with their role in promoting this technology. The panel of experts will be discussing what further analysis is necessary, efficiency programs fuel switching, etc. These serious questions that remain may determine the future of these products.
Selling Points: ASHPs Education Campaigns What is the role of educational consumer messages and marketing campaigns in helping improve the regional deployment of ASHPs? A presentation of existing advertising campaigns and informative guides will help showcase where the industry is going. The panel will be followed by an interactive discussion on how to manage multiple HVAC systems and the consumer education required.
Wrap-Up & Next Steps