Lexington, MA – As Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships celebrates its 25th anniversary year, it is pleased to announce that Marion Gold, former Commissioner of the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (RI PUC), has joined the Board of Directors.
Dr. Gold has been a leader in environmental issues throughout her tenure in public service. Appointed to the Commission by Governor Gina Raimondo in 2016, she participated in utility rate cases involving renewable energy, energy efficiency, grid modernization, infrastructure safety and reliability, and assistance to low-income ratepayers. She chaired the Board of Directors of the National Regulatory Research Institute, the research and educational arm of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and served on the Executive Committee of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Smart Electric Power Alliance’s (SEPA) Renovate Initiative Task Force, and on the Board of Advisors of GridLab.
“NEEP is excited to have Dr. Gold join the Board of Directors,” said Scott Johnstone, President of NEEP’s Board of Directors. “Her depth and breadth of work on comprehensive energy policy, and her tenure as a regulator are welcome additions to the Board. Her experience in Rhode Island, as well as her regional and national perspective, will be assets to the organization.”
Dr. Gold previously served as Commissioner of the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER), a cabinet-level position, under Governor Lincoln Chafee. As leader of the OER, she was dedicated to working with public and private sector partners to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy services to all sectors of the community. Prior to joining the OER, Dr. Gold was the Director of the Outreach Center at the University of Rhode of Island (URI). She served on the URI President's Council for Sustainability and on the RI Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council.
“I am looking forward to serving on the NEEP Board of Directors” said Dr. Gold. “I have long admired NEEP’s work in energy efficiency and its leadership in the transition to an affordable, low-carbon future, and I am happy to be able to provide my expertise to support NEEP’s mission.”
Dr. Gold holds a BS in Natural Resource Science and Policy from the University of Michigan, a MS in Environmental Economics from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Rhode Island.