Wednesday, September 22

Breakfast Session: Demystifying Microgrids

Start your day off right with breakfast and a chat about community microgrids - their potential, challenges, and examples of where they are transforming communities.

  • Host
    • Jared Leader, Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), Senior Manager, Research and Industry Strategy

Session Seven: Shifting Focus: Designing EE Programs That Support Changing Goals

For decades, energy efficiency programs across the nation have been successful in driving down energy use. Can this framework also drive down carbon and advance equitable outcomes? This session will highlight ways that energy efficiency programs are shifting to support grid management, climate, and equity goals. This panel will examine key necessary changes and identify roles for both program administrators and policymakers.


Session Eight: Energy Efficiency and Air Regulators: Opportunities for Alliance

Energy efficiency and air quality regulation have traditionally been in separate worlds: different departments, different approaches, and different outcomes. But reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings needs all hands on deck. In this session, two practitioners discuss opportunities for collaboration to accelerate the transformation of our built environment.


Session Nine: Show Me the Money: Funding Pathways

Retrofitting our homes and buildings to meet climate goals and create healthy, resilient places for people to live and work carries a steep price tag. Where do we find the funds and how can investments promote an economic transition that is both low-carbon and equitable? This panel will explore current working models and innovative models that warrant a closer look.

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