New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas companies offer energy efficiency programs to residential and commercial customers, coordinated on a statewide basis as the “Core Programs.” But without any binding utility savings goals, New Hampshire continues to lag the region in its per capita investments in efficiency, being the only state in the Northeast without some type of policy to capture all cost-effective energy efficiency. Through the hard work and collaborative efforts of the state, utilities, and interested parties, that is about to change.
New Hampshire also became the latest state in the region to explore grid modernization, with the PUC’s Investigation into Grid Modernization (IR 15-296), as required by a legislative directive to implement goals of the state’s 10-year energy strategy. Given the full plate of the PUC and other stakeholders, work on this docket has been put on hold until work on the EERS concludes.
Complementary Policies
New Hampshire’s building energy codes reference 2009 IECC for residential and commercial buildings.
Policy & Program Information
New Hampshire at a Glance
Direct Jobs in Energy Efficiency | 6,833 |
Electric Program Expenditures | $25.8 million |
Gas Program Expenditures | $7.1 million |
Per Capita Expenditures | $24.79 |
Electric Savings | 73,499 MWh |
Electric Savings as Percent of Retail Sales | 0.67% |
Gas Savings | 2.1 million therms |
Gas Savings as Percent of Retail Sales | 0.70% |