Residential Lighting is a critical efficiency measure, with 2013 gross program savings from retail lighting programs reaching over 1 TWH for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states that report to REED. Upstream residential lighting represents a very significant portion of energy savings in the region and in 2015, NEEP focused on residential lighting research and market analysis in several ways to support state program administrator and regulator needs to help inform program strategies and designs.
NEEP dove deeply into savings assumptions as found in Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs) throughout the region to understand what values were being used for key metrics such as hours of use, delta watt, and measure life. In Appendix B, NEEP provides the opportunity to view completed Standardized Methods Forms to compare evaluation methodology and results. This brief is intended to help states understand key similarities and differences in various parameter assumptions, where and why some are warranted, and where there may be opportunities for improved consistency across the states.