
The Nexus of Energy Codes and Building Performance Standards

Cities and states across the country have made commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions according to stated timelines. The approach to reducing emissions, energy, and water use in new…

Air Regulations and Emissions from Appliances

Typically, a building’s emissions are considered the outdoor emissions produced by constructing and powering that building. There is a growing movement to also address the emissions and harmful…

NEEP 2022 Q2 Report

Centering Equity with Metrics (Introduction)

A history of environmental racism and inequitable energy decision-making have led to historically marginalized communities bearing the largest burdens of the fossil fuel economy, but not receiving…

Centering Equity with Metrics (Full Report)

Historically marginalized and/or excluded communities experience disproportionate harms from our energy system. Research has shown that the harmful environmental impacts of the energy system are more…

Performance Incentives that Align with Equity Priorities

Performance incentive mechanisms (PIMs) are financial incentives or penalties that encourage program administrators to achieve certain targets or performance levels. If performance incentives are…

Creating Equity-Centered Program Goals

Oftentimes, equity of treatment, program access, and outcomes are expressed as a policy but not as a program requirement. Policymakers can change this dynamic by creating goals that align with energy…

Identifying Equity-Centered Tracking Metrics

Equity-related tracking efforts, whether in the energy efficiency space or beyond, are important ways to better understand current practices, identify gaps, see trends over time, and provide…

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