
Residential Electric Clothes Dryers Baseline Study

This report presents the research results from a study to determine baseline assumptions and provide potential programmatic support for advanced clothes dryer technologies for the residential market…

The Impact of EISA on Residential A-Lamps Report

As part of its Market Lift project, NEEP requested that D&R investigate the nature and extent of the impact of the first wave of EISA standards on sales and installation of residential A-lamps.…

Residential Lighting Market Lift Pilot Study

July 2014 - The Forum and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) recruited organizations in Massachusetts, Oregon, and Vermont to sponsor a pilot consisting of three coordinated demonstration…

Variable Speed Drive Loadshape Report

The EM&V Forum commissioned this study to assess the annual, peak, and hourly demand impacts from VSD installations. The study focused on VSD retrofit projects on heating, ventilation, and air…

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