Emerging Trends in Community Clean Energy Initiatives
Cities and towns across the NEEP region are establishing and working towards aggressive climate goals, many of which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. Buildings are a key…
Remote Virtual Inspections (RVI): Challenges and Opportunities
Across the country, many state and municipal offices are facing challenges in their building construction divisions. Inadequate resources to support code enforcement and shortages of building code…
Gifford Medical Center Case Study
Gifford Health Care is a nationally recognized health care system that serves the rural communities in Central Vermont and the Upper Valley. It has a history that spans 119 years when local physician…
Implementation Guide: Statewide Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofits
States are identifying deep energy efficiency retrofits as a key step to implement cost-effective climate and energy policy. These programs deliver benefits to both the grid and residents, including…
Cunniff Elementary School
The new, all-electric Cunniff Elementary School is a high-tech, 21st century educational facility that includes many green design strategies such as energy efficient roof and walls, high-performance…
Equitable Workforce Best Practice Guidance
As states and communities move towards building decarbonization and a carbon-free economy, the building energy sector and the best practices to make it more efficient must work together.…