Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Activities in Delaware

Evaluation Process

Senate Bill 150 with House Amendment 2 passed on July 1, 2014, directs Delaware utilities to provide cost-effective energy efficiency programs.  This Amendment creates the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council to assist with the development of energy efficient programs. It also gives the responsibility of establishing and overseeing EM&V regulations to the Delaware Department of National Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC).

The DNREC is currently updating the EM&V framework from 2012 and developing new EM&V regulations to be finalized in December 2015. 

The SEU’s programs to date have largely been funded by ARRA and RGGI allowance proceeds, with on-going efforts to pass legislation that would provide new funding sources for energy efficiency programs through utility rate-payer funding.  Evaluation activities have focused to date on the SEU’s small portfolio of programs.  For more information, see the DNREC EM&V webpage.

Additional Resources 

NEEP's Energy Efficiency Policy in Delaware 

Forum Repository of State and Topical EM&V Studies 

State Documents and Key Info- Delaware

Last Updated: 8/13/15

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