Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Activities in Massachusetts

Massachusetts offers a variety of grant, rebate, and bond programs to encourage investments in energy efficiency. The state government leads by example by setting energy requirements for public buildings and fleets, benchmarking energy use, and encouraging the use of energy savings performance contracts.

Evaluation Process

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (MA DPU) requires all Program Administrators to include evaluation plans as part of their three-year energy efficiency plans. The evaluation plans identify the activities that will be taken to ensure that programs are monitored and evaluated, and that savings and costs are measured and verified. All Evaluations are statewide, administered by individual PAs, planned and performed in collaboration with the EEAC, and are performed by standing contractors.  Evaluation plans must include detailed information about each evaluation study to be undertaken during the plan's three year period. View the evaluation plans and reports at the MA Energy Efficiency Advisory Council Evaluation website.   Evaluation activities are overseen by a designated evaluation consultant who reports to the MA EEAC and MA Department of Energy Resources.

The EM&V Management Committee provides a forum for statewide evaluation issues, and provides guidance, planning and direction to each evaluation research area. 

In 2013, Mass Save Program Administrators implemented their first 3 year plan through 2015. This plan outlined outlined the scope and outcomes of planned studies until 2015. Massachusetts PA's and EEAC consultants are currently developing a Strategic Evaluation Plan for the 2016-2018 period. The overall three year plan will be published in October 2015 and will include the Strategic Evaluation Plan. 

Additional Resources

Forum Repository of State and Topical EM&V Studies

NEEP's Energy Efficiency Policy in Massachusetts

State Documents and Key Info- Massachusetts

Last Updated 8/13/15

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