Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Activities in New Hampshire

Evaluation activities are overseen by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NH PUC).   The NH PUC seeks input and advice from the utilities on monitoring and evaluation and also coordinates efforts with the utilities' Core programs implementation efforts. Utilities have the opportunity to comment on preliminary study findings and results prior to publication and are permitted, on a case-by case basis, to participate in regional monitoring and evaluation studies as well as studies conducted by multi-jurisdictional utilities.  The NH PUC invites interested parties to attend and provide input at evaluation presentations, and it pursues all available means to protect confidential customer information given that monitoring and evaluation studies frequently require access to such information. EM&V completed reports are available

Additional Information 

NH PUC Six Year Evaluation Plan

NH PUC Monitoring & Evaluation webpage 

Forum’s Repository of State & Topical EM&V Studies

NEEP's Energy Efficiency Policy in New Hampshire 

State Documents and Key Info- New Hampshire 

Last Updated: 9/25/15

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