Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Activities in Vermont

Vermont's statewide Energy Efficiency programs are currently delivered via contract between the Public Service Board and the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation to serve as Efficiency Vermont. The exception is in the city of Burlington, where the municipality delivers these services. Both entities are referred to as Energy Efficiency Utilities (EEUs). The Department of Public Service (DPS) is the entity that provides for formal independent evaluation of energy efficiency programs approved by the Board for EEU implementation.

DPS’ evaluation activities include an annual verification of the EEUs energy and capacity savings and ‘total resource benefit' claims.  For information on its process and reports, see the VT DPS Oversight of the Energy Efficiency Utility webpage.


Additional Resources 

Energy Efficiency Utility Performance Evaluation

DPS' Evaluation Page

Forum’s Repository of State and Topical EM&V Studies

NEEP's Energy Efficiency Policy in Vermont

State Documents and Key Info- Vermont 

Last Updated: 10/16/15

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