Transform Pharmaceuticals

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TransForm Pharmaceuticals, a 60,000 square foot research facility in Lexington, Mass. is a Johnson & Johnson operating company that specializes in the discovery of superior formulations of drug molecules.

Every five years Johnson & Johnson sets long term goals for its operating companies that help reduce their environmental impact. In 2006, the introduction of Healthy Planet 2010 outlined multiple focus areas for improving environmental responsibility including energy and carbon dioxide reduction.

To meet Healthy Planet 2010 goals, TransForm Pharmaceuticals partnered with National Grid to study the feasibility of installing a combined heat and power system to reduce energy use and decrease emissions. Based on the outcomes of the study and with incentives from National Grid, TransForm recently implemented the following efficiency improvements:

  • Trigeneration combined heat and power system to efficiently use natural gas to produce electricity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Solar thermal collectors that use renewable solar heat to displace hot water load being heated by natural gas; and
  • Absorption chiller equipment that uses waste heat to cool the facility.

Following on successful energy saving projects in its research facility, TransForm Pharmaceuticals plans to upgrade its existing building management system at its Johnson Controls office to allow for optimization of that building’s HVAC needs.


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