This C&I Unitary HVAC Load Shape Project developed weather normalized 8,760 (representing every hour of the year) cooling end-use load shapes representative of hourly savings for the target population of efficient unitary HVAC equipment promoted by efficiency programs in the New England, New York and mid-Atlantic regions. Given the trade-offs between up-front capital costs and continuing operating costs, unitary HVAC is generally chosen for situations with minimal internal cooling loads, and where operating hours are not large and are concentrated in the summer. Unitary HVAC is one type of cooling equipment, with relatively low capital costs but high operating costs. Where cooling loads are more evenly distributed throughout the year and cover substantial internal heat gains, other types of cooling equipment - with higher capital costs, but lower operating costs, are typically chosen. These other types include (by ascending efficiency) air-to-air air conditioners and heat pumps, water-to-air heat pumps, and chillers.
The unitary HVAC load shapes developed in this project further support program administrator calculations of savings in the forward capacity markets. These load shapes were based on results of primary data collection, including metering, completed as part of this study, as well as data available from existing sources. Not all Forum sponsors were able to provide sites for metering. However, by design and intent, the study goal was to serve all Forum members with results that are transferable within the Forum overall including those not able to provide sites for metering.