State Appliance Standards Database (SASD) and Implementation/Enforcement Toolkit

Welcome to the NEEP State Appliance Standards Database (SASD) and implementation/enforcement toolkit.

Adopting the most recent codes and appliance standards is essential to ensure that our communities are comprised of healthy and resilient homes and buildings. The database and associated toolkit fulfill the need for holistic and equitable solutions for improving the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of appliance standards and other related policies.

Why  SASD?

SASD assists in promoting the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of energy- and water-efficient appliances—the database supplements existing state standards databases such as the MAEDbS. The California Energy Commission's (CEC) product database – the Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS) – contains data for all products that meet California Law Title 20 Standards. To streamline implementation across jurisdictions, MAEDbs also allows products outside the scope of California's Title 20 regulations to be listed within voluntary data fields. SASD fills a gap between Californias highest efficiency standards and products that meet DOE Energy Star and EPA Water Sense standards; and other advanced energy and water appliance standards.

SASD will grow to include new product categories not covered by federal or California standards. New tools and guidance based on the needs of states and other stakeholders will also be added to the implementation and enforcement toolkit.

SASD Product Categories

SASD is currently built to include these products:

  • Air Purifiers
  • Commercial Dishwashers
  • Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
  • Faucets, Urinals, Showerheads, Toilets
  • Commercial Fryers, Steam Cookers, Ovens
  • Water Coolers
  • Gas Fireplaces
  • Hot Food Holding Cabinets
  • High CRI Linear Fluorescent Lamps
  • Computers
  • Monitors
  • Portable electric spas
  • Spray sprinkler bodies


State Appliance Standards Database (SASD)

SASD Manufacturer Access Instructions

If you are a manufacturer or third-party certifier who would like to have compliant products listed on the SASD, please review the Communication Resources for Market Actors documents in the Implementation/Enforcement Toolkit below to:

    • Create an account,
    • Approve products already imported to the SASD from a public data source such as ENERGY STAR or DOE, or
    • To upload new products for screening to confirm compliance with state standards regulations.


For technical questions on the SASD, please contact:

Implementation/Enforcement Toolkit

Documents and resources within the toolkit are tailored for manufacturers utilizing the database and specifically to assist states in methods and best practices to develop appliance standards implementation plans and enforcement protocols to verify compliance.

                Communication Resources for Market Actors

                Communication and Engagement Tools for States



Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) thanks the United States Climate Alliance (USCA) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for SASD development assistance. Additionally, thank you to the Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP) for technical assistance.

For additional information, email:

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