SEM Collaborative
Event Date

Northeast Strategic Energy Management Collaborative 2020: Pathways Towards Integration

Commercial and industrial sectors in the Northeast region account for roughly 45 percent of energy use and carbon emissions. In recent years, Strategic Energy Management (SEM) has served to manage this energy use, and to drive operational and behavioral improvements. The SEM pathway encourages cost savings, decarbonization, and the overall integration of energy decisions into general business operations. The Northeast Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Collaborative 2020 will provide an opportunity to learn and participate in discussions about the practices, policies, and processes that contribute to continued SEM success in the Northeast region. Opportunities for integrating SEM with other important energy efficiency programs and activities will be explored with key stakeholders, including energy efficiency program administrators, implementation experts, and federal program representatives.

Interested in demonstrating your leadership and supporting this workshop? Please contact Jessica Augat for sponsorship opportunities.

View speaker bios here.


View a recording of this event here.

View a pdf version of the slides here.



1: 00 pm - 1:10 pm

Welcome and Introduction

Brief overview of event - purpose and key topics

  • Giselle Procaccianti, Technology and Market Solutions Manager, NEEP
1: 10 pm - 1:25 pm

Regional and National SEM Program Successes

Regional SEM progress over past year - highlighting challenges and successes

  • Giselle Procaccianti, Technology and Market Solutions Manager, NEEP
1: 25 pm - 2:40 pm

Assigning a Measure of Life to SEM Program Savings

  • Moderator: Layne McWilliams, Director, Water/Wastewater Customer Engagement, Cascade Energy
  • Jess Burgess, Technical Expert, Econoler
  • Erika Kociolek, Evaluation Sr. Project Manager, Energy Trust of Oregon
  • Derek M. Okada, Senior Manager, Southern California Edison
  • Peter Therkelson, PH.D., Research Scientist and Deputy of the Building and Industrial Applications Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2: 40 pm - 2:50 pm Break
2: 50 pm - 3:30 pm

Emerging SEM Opportunities

Integrating SEM with other program activities

  • Moderator: Rory Schmick, C.E.M., Associate Principal, Stillwater Energy
  • Marie Abdou, Manager, Customer Energy Management-Massachusetts, National Grid
  • Zoe Dawson, Senior Consultant, VEIC
  • Katie Dooley, Project Manager, NYSERDA
  • Jason Snyder, Manager, TVA
3: 30 pm - 4:10 pm

The SEM Experience - A Customer's Journey

  • James L. Jutras, Water Quality Superintendant Essex Jct, VT
4: 10 pm - 4:15 pm

Workshop Debrief and Closing

Workshop highlights and next steps

  • Giselle Procaccianti, Technology and Market Solutions Manager, NEEP



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