Energy Efficiency as a Transmission and Distribution Resource Using Geotargeting- Report

This report focuses on the role efficiency can play in deferring utility transmission and distribution (T&D) system investments. In particular, it addresses the role that intentional targeting of efficiency programs to specific constrained geographies – either by itself or in concert with demand response, distributed generation and/or other “non-wires alternatives” (NWAs) – can play in deferring such investments. The report focuses primarily on electric T&D deferral, since that is where efforts in this area have focused to date.

This report focuses on the role efficiency can play in deferring utility transmission and distribution (T&D) system investments. In particular, it addresses the role that intentional targeting of efficiency programs to specific constrained geographies – either by itself or in concert with demand response, distributed generation and/or other “non-wires alternatives” (NWAs) – can play in deferring such investments. The report focuses primarily on electric T&D deferral, since that is where efforts in this area have focused to date.

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