High Hopes for Energy Efficiency In Massachusetts

High Hopes for Energy Efficiency In Massachusetts

It was a typical gray and cold Western Mass winter morning, but November 20, 2018 was no ordinary day. Great anticipation filled the streets of Northampton as the first recreational cannabis dispensary opened its doors for sales. A line of thousands of people stood for hours to purchase locally-grown cannabis. My mom texted from Florida at 7:00 a.m., “your mayor is on the news, he’s first in line”.

Heating Electrification Initiative Subscription Details

NEEP's Heating Electrification Initiative is made possible through the engagement and support of key actors across the heat pump market. Current participants include regional, national, and Canadian interests spanning government, manufacturers, distributors and installers, service providers, program designers, national labs and research institutes, consultants, consumers, advocates, and other interested stakeholders.  

NEEP invites interested stakeholders to join the Initiative through an annual subscription program for 2023.

November Policy Tracker: Midterm election results

On the menu for this Thanksgiving? A silver platter of midterm election results. Politics always comes up at the dinner table in my family, and I am sure the midterm election results will not be left behind this Thanksgiving. One of the subjects I am curious about is how the midterm election will impact energy and climate. Let’s take a look at what we know so far.

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