A Zero Energy Vision for Massachusetts

Massachusetts has been number one on the ACEEE Energy Efficiency Scorecard for eight years in a row. It is important that we celebrate this massive achievement. It’s also important to recognize that we have the tools, the state leadership, and the grassroots manpower to do better.

January Policy Tracker: New year, new opportunity

Happy new year and welcome to 2019! The general attitude going into 2019 was thank gosh 2018 is over. I am not sure what it was about 2018, but everyone sure seemed happy to leave it behind and look forward to the future. I was among them. One thing that we definitely need to leave behind is the rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Shocker, I know! But, after three years of decline, the U.S.

Third HELIX Summit: A Day of Education, Excitement, and Well-Loved Corny Jokes

Do you ever get the feeling of pure excitement and relief all at once? Well that is how I felt on December 7 at my first ever Home Energy Labeling Information eXchange (HELIX) Summit. I was relieved that the day had finally arrived, and excited to see how it would play out.

NEEP’s Air Source Heat Pump Initiative is Heating Up in 2019

2019 ushers in the sixth year of NEEP’s regional air-source heat pump (ASHP) market transformation initiative aimed at  the residential space heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) market across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Along with the new year comes a number of new elements of the initiative that promise to bring greater impact to the regional market. We invite you to join us.

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