
Energy Efficiency Snapshot Spring 2017

NEEP's 2017 Snapshot of Energy Efficiency in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic is intended provide policymakers, regulators, efficiency proponents, program administrators and other stakeholders an…

NH PUC Valuing NEIs 2.17.17

Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Utility Trends and Cost-Benefit Analyses in the NEEP Region

The purpose of this report is to provide insight into utility trends regarding AMI deployment costs and benefits within the NEEP region. The report reviews the costs and benefits evaluated in both…



Regional Operations & Maintenance Guide for High Performance Schools and Public Buildings in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic: 2021 Update

This Regional Operations and Maintenance Guide is intended to provide guidance to state and local jurisdictions to ensure the continued performance of new buildings that are built to green building…

Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Air-Source Heat Pump Market Strategies Report - 2016 Update

Residential air-source heat pumps (ASHP) are a heating and air-conditioning technology that use electricity to provide a combination of space heating and, in most instances, cooling to homes. A new…

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