Additional Resources

Action Plan to Accelerate Strategic Electrification in the Northeast

States and communities in the Northeast are adopting goals and implementing policies to aggressively cut carbon emissions by the year 2050 in order to reduce the impacts of climate change.1 Given the urgency of climate stabilization, many states have also set more near-term carbon reduction…

The Smart Energy Home and Cross-Promotional Opportunities in Energy Efficiency

As residential efficiency programs are looking for new ways to bring in participants, the individuals purchasing smart home devices offer a potential new group of customers for greater efficiency. Likewise, customers who are investing in home efficiency retrofits may be an untapped audience for…

The Smart Home Interface: A Tool for Comprehensive Residential Energy Efficiency

In this brief, NEEP outlines the potential combination of two currently independent trends in residential energy efficiency: (1) the rise of the smart energy home and (2) residential benchmarking and labeling efforts. Currently, states, efficiency programs, and other stakeholders are pursuing…

The Contractors Guide to the Smart Home

The buzz around the concept of a “smart home” has been growing for years, but most homeowners have only recently started incorporating smart products into their homes. While these products and devices may seem gimmicky—with their smartphone-based app interfaces and goofy names —many of them can…

LED Street Lighting Exemplar

Street lights are an integral piece of community infrastructure and they represent a huge opportunity for energy savings. Illuminating roadways and sidewalks can account for as much as 40 percent of a municipality’s electric utility bill. Converting streetlights to LEDs can significantly reduce…

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