Additional Resources

Mid-Atlantic Technical Reference Manual V7.5

The major change from version 7 is that version 7.5 includes updated tables for LED lighting. 

Webinar: Demonstration of LBNL M&V2.0 Software Tool: Estimating Commercial Facilities’ Energy Consumption and Impacts

This webinar provides an introduction and demonstration of an M&V2.0 Software Tool under development by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). The tool is applicable to estimate weather-normalized energy consumption and impacts (pre and post-treatment) for one - or many - commercial…

Northeastern Regional Assessment of Strategic Electrification

New York and the New England states have adopted aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. Deep decarbonization will be required to achieve these goals, and the region has made substantial progress. Emissions from energy use in these seven states in 2015 was 19 percent less than…

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