Commercial Lighting Measure Persistence Study

The primary objective of this study was to conduct primary and secondary research and analysis to provide the sponsors with estimates of measure lifetimes that included on-site verification of CFL bulbs and fixtures, LED exit signs, HID fixtures, and T8 fixtures installed by commercial and industrial lighting programs in New England and New York.  A second objective was to determine the expected operating lives (in hours) for the same equipment categories; based on secondary data.  A primary driver of this study was the need for lighting measure lives for use in submitting demand

The primary objective of this study was to conduct primary and secondary research and analysis to provide the sponsors with estimates of measure lifetimes that included on-site verification of CFL bulbs and fixtures, LED exit signs, HID fixtures, and T8 fixtures installed by commercial and industrial lighting programs in New England and New York.  A second objective was to determine the expected operating lives (in hours) for the same equipment categories; based on secondary data.  A primary driver of this study was the need for lighting measure lives for use in submitting demand

Unitary HVAC Load Shape Study

The unitary HVAC load shapes developed in this project further support program administrator calculations of savings in the forward capacity markets.  These load shapes were based on results of primary data collection, including metering, completed as part of this study, as well as  data available from existing sources. Not all Forum sponsors were able to provide sites for metering.

The unitary HVAC load shapes developed in this project further support program administrator calculations of savings in the forward capacity markets.  These load shapes were based on results of primary data collection, including metering, completed as part of this study, as well as  data available from existing sources. Not all Forum sponsors were able to provide sites for metering.

End-Use Load Data Update Project

In recent decades, efforts to gather end-use load data appear to be scattered and minimal across the Pacific Northwest and East regions (the Regions).  Although a significant amount of data was gathered through Bonneville Power Administration’s End-Use Load and Consumer

In recent decades, efforts to gather end-use load data appear to be scattered and minimal across the Pacific Northwest and East regions (the Regions).  Although a significant amount of data was gathered through Bonneville Power Administration’s End-Use Load and Consumer

Commercial Lighting Load Shape Study

This project developed weather normalized 8,760 (representing every hour of the year) lighting end-use load shapes representative of hourly savings for efficient commercial lighting equipment.

This project developed weather normalized 8,760 (representing every hour of the year) lighting end-use load shapes representative of hourly savings for efficient commercial lighting equipment.

Incremental Cost Study - Phase 3

May 2014 - The Incremental Cost Study Phase Three Final Report describes the methods and presents Base Cost Factors for each measure studied.  The associated workbooks include raw data, data analysis, and final costs by subregion, as well as measure characterizations and summary tables.  The measures include: Commercial air source heat pump, commercial LED refrigeration case lighting, commercial unitary air conditioning, commercial steam traps at low-medium pressure, and residential heat pump water heaters.  

May 2014 - The Incremental Cost Study Phase Three Final Report describes the methods and presents Base Cost Factors for each measure studied.  The associated workbooks include raw data, data analysis, and final costs by subregion, as well as measure characterizations and summary tables.  The measures include: Commercial air source heat pump, commercial LED refrigeration case lighting, commercial unitary air conditioning, commercial steam traps at low-medium pressure, and residential heat pump water heaters.  

Incremental Cost Study - Phase 2

This is the second phase of the EM&V Forum Incremental Cost Study. It includes cost curves for the following efficiency measures: residential combined heat and hot water systems; ventilation fans; residential cellulose attic insulation; economizers; ductless minisplit heat pumps; prescriptive chillers; and variable frequency drives as well as findings from an examination of non-energy features of residential air conditioners.

This is the second phase of the EM&V Forum Incremental Cost Study. It includes cost curves for the following efficiency measures: residential combined heat and hot water systems; ventilation fans; residential cellulose attic insulation; economizers; ductless minisplit heat pumps; prescriptive chillers; and variable frequency drives as well as findings from an examination of non-energy features of residential air conditioners.

Incremental Cost Study - Phase 1

The overall goal of this study was to determine baseline and efficient measure costs for a series of energy efficiency measures of interest to the Subcommittee and the incremental costs of moving from baseline to efficient measures. Phase 1 of the Incremental Cost Study (ICS) determined the cost of material/equipment for baseline and efficient measures, the cost of baseline labor and, where appropriate, incremental costs of labor.

The overall goal of this study was to determine baseline and efficient measure costs for a series of energy efficiency measures of interest to the Subcommittee and the incremental costs of moving from baseline to efficient measures. Phase 1 of the Incremental Cost Study (ICS) determined the cost of material/equipment for baseline and efficient measures, the cost of baseline labor and, where appropriate, incremental costs of labor.

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