Regional EMV Methods and Savings Assumptions Guidelines 2010

These Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V)  Methods & Assumptions Guidelines (‘the Guidelines’) were prepared for the Regional EM&V  Forum (‘the Forum’). The intent of these guidelines is to provide clarity, transparency, and a common understanding of methods to consider in determining gross energy and demand savings, and savings assumptions for a priority set of energy efficiency program/project types or measures.

These Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V)  Methods & Assumptions Guidelines (‘the Guidelines’) were prepared for the Regional EM&V  Forum (‘the Forum’). The intent of these guidelines is to provide clarity, transparency, and a common understanding of methods to consider in determining gross energy and demand savings, and savings assumptions for a priority set of energy efficiency program/project types or measures.

Common Statewide Energy Efficiency Reporting Guidelines 2010

At a time when states in the Forum region are making unprecedented investments in energy efficiency to meet a range of policy objectives, the need for consistency and transparency for energy efficiency is more important than ever in order to build understanding and credibility of efficiency as a resource.  The intent of these Guidelines, which include recommended state-level reporting templates and several process recommendations, is to provide for consistent definitions and the reporting of electric and natural gas energy-efficiency program energy and demand savings and associated co

At a time when states in the Forum region are making unprecedented investments in energy efficiency to meet a range of policy objectives, the need for consistency and transparency for energy efficiency is more important than ever in order to build understanding and credibility of efficiency as a resource.  The intent of these Guidelines, which include recommended state-level reporting templates and several process recommendations, is to provide for consistent definitions and the reporting of electric and natural gas energy-efficiency program energy and demand savings and associated co

EMV Forum Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

The Glossary defines and explains terms used in the evaluation, measurement, verification (EMV), and market research of electric and gas energy efficiency, conservation, load management, demand response, and other demand reduction activities that regulators, policymakers, and other non-technical readers will encounter as they pursue their work.

The Glossary defines and explains terms used in the evaluation, measurement, verification (EMV), and market research of electric and gas energy efficiency, conservation, load management, demand response, and other demand reduction activities that regulators, policymakers, and other non-technical readers will encounter as they pursue their work.

Primary Research on Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps

This report presents the results of primary research conducted to better determine the potential  for energy savings and efficiency program support for ductless mini split heat pumps (DHPs)  in the residential sector, particularly in heating dominant climates, and to determine appropriate methodologies for assessing the savings.

This report presents the results of primary research conducted to better determine the potential  for energy savings and efficiency program support for ductless mini split heat pumps (DHPs)  in the residential sector, particularly in heating dominant climates, and to determine appropriate methodologies for assessing the savings.

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