High Efficiency Products

The State of our Sockets: A Regional Analysis of the Residential Lighting Market ( )

Residential lighting has long been a centerpiece of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency program portfolios. In New England, residential lighting measures have produced over 30 percent of all efficiency program savings.  But in 2015, program administrators, public utility commissions, state… Read more

High Efficiency Products

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Residential Lighting Strategy: 2015 - 2016 Update ( )

The Northeast Residential Lighting Strategy (RLS) is once again being updated to provide the most relevant and timely information regarding the efficient residential lighting market. This report provides narrative updates on relevant activities in the Northeast and Mid-… Read more

EM&V Forum

Early Replacement Measures Study: Phase II Research Report ( )

The Phase II Early Replacement Measure Research Study was led by the consulting group Evergreen Economics and this study: 1. Produced independent estimates of the age and remaining useful life for 3 types of equipment that are in early replacement programs – residential boilers, furnaces… Read more

High Efficiency Products

Opportunities for Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) in Advancing Residential Energy Efficiency Programs ( )

Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) are an invention of the internet age; they are a 21st-century byproduct of the idea that utility smart meters can enable two-way communication with homeowners while smart consumer products can allow greater connectivity, control, and ultimately a better living… Read more

High Performance Buildings

Construction Codes in the Northeast: Myths and Realities of Energy Code Adoption and the Economic Effects ( )

Building energy codes act as the minimum level of efficiency, or the “floor”, at which a new building can be constructed. A progressive building energy code policy ensures this minimum level of efficiency rises over time through the adoption of the newest versions of the code. Opponents… Read more

EM&V Forum

Incremental Cost Study Phase 4 Report ( )

The Incremental Cost Study Phase 4 Final Report presents baseline and efficient measure costs for six measures of interest: (1) VFD, variable displacement and load/no load air compressors; (2) commercial kitchen fryers; (3) commercial kitchen convection ovens; (4) refrigeration anti-sweat door… Read more

EM&V Forum

Mid-Atlantic Technical Reference Manual V5 ( )

May 2015 -Version 5 of the TRM documents common savings assumptions for over eighty prescriptive residential and commercial/industrial electric and gas energy efficiency measures, including 27 updated measures and 24 new measures.   MidAtlantic Lighting Adjustments and O&M_042015.xls

EM&V Forum

Cost Effectiveness Screening Guidelines ( )

The Forum initiated the Cost-Effectiveness Testing Guidance and Research Project in September 2013, which consisted of two phases.  Phase 1 of the project involved research and documentation of current state practices and underlying policies in the Forum region, and identifying key issues and… Read more

EM&V Forum

Residential Electric Clothes Dryers Baseline Study ( )

This report presents the research results from a study to determine baseline assumptions and provide potential programmatic support for advanced clothes dryer technologies for the residential market. The research is part of a continued effort to assess several emerging technologies and innovative… Read more

EM&V Forum

The Impact of EISA on Residential A-Lamps Report ( )

As part of its Market Lift project, NEEP requested that D&R investigate the nature and extent of the impact of the first wave of EISA standards on sales and installation of residential A-lamps. EISA regulations went into effect for the 1,490-2,600 lumen bin, restricting manufacture and import… Read more

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