EM&V Forum

Residential Lighting Market Lift Pilot Study ( )

July 2014 - The Forum and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) recruited organizations in Massachusetts, Oregon, and Vermont to sponsor a pilot consisting of three coordinated demonstration programs in residential lighting using Market Lift, an innovative upstream program design. The… Read more

EM&V Forum

Variable Speed Drive Loadshape Report ( )

The EM&V Forum commissioned this study to assess the annual, peak, and hourly demand impacts from VSD installations. The study focused on VSD retrofit projects on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment in existing commercial buildings using rebates from the Sponsor’s… Read more

High Efficiency Products

Packaged Commercial HVAC Equipment Market Characterization- Report- 2006 ( )

This report presents the results of a market characterization of packaged commercial HVAC equipment in the Northeast. This research was conducted for sponsors of the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) Commercial Packaged HVAC Initiative and reflects the market conditions in the… Read more

Public Policy

A Changing Landscape: The 2015 Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy ( )

This report represents NEEP’s annual assessment of the major policy developments of the last year, as well as our look into the immediate future, where we gauge states’ progress toward capturing cost-effective energy efficiency as a first-order resource. While looking at the region as a… Read more

High Performance Buildings

LED Street Lighting Assessment and Strategies for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic ( )

There are approximately 4.96 million municipal street lights in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region using 3.17 TWh of electricity annually. These street lights are composed primarily of High Pressure Sodium (HPS), Metal Halide (MH), and Mercury Vapor (MV) technology, but Light Emitting Diode (LED… Read more

EM&V Forum

Energy Efficiency as a Transmission and Distribution Resource Using Geotargeting ( )

This report focuses on the role efficiency can play in deferring utility transmission and distribution (T&D) system investments. In particular, it addresses the role that intentional targeting of efficiency programs to specific constrained geographies – either by itself or in concert with… Read more

High Efficiency Products

Northeast Residential Lighting Strategy: 2014 - 2015 Update ( )

The Northeast Residential Lighting Strategy (RLS) is once again being updated to provide the most relevant and timely information regarding the efficient residential lighting market. This is the fourth document in the suite of RLS reports and works to answer some of the… Read more

EM&V Forum

Cost Effectiveness Screening Guidelines 2014 ( )

The EM&V Forum Steering Committee adopted the Forum’s Cost-Effectiveness Screening Guidelines as a Forum product in November 2014.  The Forum’s Guidelines establish overarching principles that states should consider in reviewing their energy efficiency screening… Read more

EM&V Forum

NEEP Ductless Heat Pump Meta Study Report ( )

Ductless heat pumps (DHP) are all the rage within the utility, energy efficiency program administrator, evaluation, HVAC and solar industries, and environmental advocacy worlds. With all of this hype and activity, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships’ (NEEP) Regional EM&V Forum contracted… Read more

EM&V Forum

Model EM&V Reporting Forms For Energy Efficiency Version 1.0 ( )

These Model EM&V Methods Standardized Reporting Forms were prepared by the Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Forum (‘the Forum’).  The Forum, established in 2008, is a regional project facilitated and managed by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)… Read more

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