Getting to Yes: Scaling Comprehensive Efficiency in Commercial Buildings ( )
As NEEP continues to advance our mission of carbon reduction, we must stop to consider the achieved successes as well as the remaining potential for market transformation of energy efficiency. The commercial sector is a large energy user and the energy sources used today are primarily carbon-… Read more

Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector ( )
Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector The municipal water system provides critical services to communities across the country and consumes a significant amount of energy in doing so. Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) and Drinking Water Treatment Plants… Read more

Building Energy Codes for a Carbon Constrained Era: A Toolkit of Strategies and Examples ( )
Buildings consume about two-thirds of the United States’ power supply and produce about 40 percent of carbon emissions. Buildings that are being constructed now will have a considerable impact on our region’s energy use 50 to 100 years from now. Thus, the built environment, including residential,… Read more

Early Replacement Measures Study: Phase I Research Report ( )
The purpose of this study was to characterize energy efficiency programs with early replacement measures. It examined: eligibility criteria, measure savings assumptions, baseline assumptions and remaining useful life assumptions. It reviews and compares program designs, savings calculations… Read more

Advanced Measurement & Verification (M&V) Brief: An Evolving Industry ( )
This brief seeks to provide an inventory and overview of advanced M&V vendors—companies and software tools—currently on the market. It also presents case studies of specific projects from several applications that have used advanced M&V tools for a variety of end goals, from evaluating… Read more

Strategic Electrification Regional Assessment ( )
New York and the New England states have adopted aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. Deep decarbonization will be required to achieve these goals, and the region has made substantial progress. Emissions from energy use in these seven states in 2015 was 19 percent less than… Read more

Non-Energy Impacts Approaches and Values: an Examination of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Beyond ( )
A non-energy impact (NEI) is an additional benefit (positive or negative) for participants in energy efficiency beyond the energy savings gained from installing energy efficient measures. NEIs include benefits such as reduced costs for operation and maintenance associated with efficient equipment… Read more

EM&V Best Practices & Recommendations for Industrial SEM Programs ( )
Strategic Energy Management (SEM) is a relatively new energy efficiency strategy that has demonstrated the ability to capture comprehensive savings from large industrial and commercial facilities. SEM program designs focus on achieving energy savings from continuous improvement of operational… Read more

Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Utility Trends and Cost-Benefit Analyses in the NEEP Region ( )
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into utility trends regarding AMI deployment costs and benefits within the NEEP region. The report reviews the costs and benefits evaluated in both retrospective and prospective AMI deployment proposals, highlighting any outlying factors included in… Read more
Auto M&V Industry Brief: How Fast is the EM&V Paradigm Changing? ( )
NEEP's January 2017 brief on the Auto M&V Industry builds upon the work that was previously completed in the Changing the EM&V Paradigm, a whitepaper which aimed to characterize the trends in tools and services pertaining to data collection and analytics that provide automated, ongoing… Read more